Friday, November 14, 2008

Emotions and The Will

We can let our emotions control us or we can take control over them by exercising our will.

Feeling hatred, bitterness, and anger? Choose forgiveness then act forgiving.

Feeling mean? Choose kindness then be kind.

Feel like giving up? Choose to stay committed and act devoted.

Feel discouraged? Choose to be happy then smile and enjoy life.

Our problem is that we have allowed our emotions to rule over us and dictate or heavily influence our behavior. Start exercising your power of choice by using your will. Take charge of your will and stop letting your emotions take charge of you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


You suggested I check out your blog. I do. I have been struggling the past day or so with intense guilt/regret.

This post really spoke to me. Thank you for blessing the general public with your insight. It has certainly blessed me.

Wow. How cool is that. God knew I needed to see this.